How to Clean a Broom: The Ultimate Guide for Broom Maintenance

broom house keeping tool

Are you tired of your trusty broom not performing as well as it used to? Whether it’s dusty corners or sticky spills, your broom deserves a little care too. In this guide, we’ll show you the best way to clean your broom, ensuring it remains your reliable cleaning companion. Say goodbye to inefficient sweeping and hello to a broom that’s ready to tackle any mess!

Table of Contents

2Why Cleaning Your Broom is Important
3Gathering Your Cleaning Arsenal
4Giving Your Broom a Quick Pre-Clean
5Deep Cleaning Your Broom
6A Broom’s Haircut: Trim the Bristles
7Storing Your Broom Properly
8When to Replace Your Broom
9DIY Broom Refreshers: Tips and Tricks

1. Introduction of broom

We often forget that our cleaning tools need cleaning too. Your broom works tirelessly to keep your space tidy, and it’s only fair to give it some attention in return. In this article, we’ll explore the steps to clean your broom effectively, ensuring it stays in tip-top shape.

2. Why Cleaning Your Broom is Important

Ever noticed your broom leaving behind more dust than it picks up? A dirty broom can’t do its job properly. When the bristles are caked with dust, hair, and debris, they become less effective at sweeping. Regular cleaning extends your broom’s lifespan and ensures optimal performance.

3. Gathering Your Cleaning Arsenal

Before diving into the cleaning process, gather your supplies:

  • A vacuum cleaner or dustpan and brush
  • Warm water
  • Mild soap or detergent
  • Sink or bucket
  • Old toothbrush or comb
  • Towel or paper towels

4. Giving Your Broom a Quick Pre-Clean

Start with a pre-clean to remove loose dirt and debris:

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner or a dustpan and brush to remove larger particles.
  2. Give the broom a good shake to loosen any trapped dust.

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5. Deep Cleaning Your Broom

To deep clean your broom, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a Sink or Bucket: Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and a small amount of mild soap or detergent.
  2. Submerge the Bristles: Submerge the broom’s bristles in the soapy water. Swirl it around gently to help loosen dirt.
  3. Scrub the Bristles: Use an old toothbrush or comb to scrub the bristles. Pay extra attention to any spots with stubborn dirt.
  4. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the broom under cool running water until all the soap is gone.
  5. Shake and Pat Dry: Shake off excess water and pat the bristles dry with a towel or paper towels.

6. A Broom’s Haircut: Trim the Bristles

Over time, bristles can become uneven and frayed. Give your broom a haircut to keep it efficient:

  1. Inspect the Bristles: Check for any bristles that are significantly longer or damaged.
  2. Trim Evenly: Using scissors, trim the bristles to an even length. Be careful not to cut too much.

7. Storing Your Broom Properly

Proper storage prolongs your broom’s life:

  • Hang It Up: Store your broom with the bristles off the ground. Hanging it helps the bristles maintain their shape.
  • Avoid Damp Areas: Don’t store your broom in damp places, as moisture can damage the bristles.
  • Keep It Covered: If possible, cover your broom with a cloth or plastic bag to prevent dust accumulation.

8. When to Replace Your Broom

Even with proper care, brooms don’t last forever. It’s time for a replacement when:

  • Bristles are Frayed: If the bristles are too frayed or bent, they won’t sweep effectively.
  • Broom Head is Loose: If the broom head wobbles or is loose, it’s a sign of wear and tear.
  • No Longer Efficient: If your broom consistently leaves behind dirt and debris, despite cleaning, it’s time to say goodbye.

9. DIY Broom Refreshers: Tips and Tricks

Give your broom an extra boost with these DIY refreshers:

  • Essential Oil Spray: Mix water with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Lightly spritz the broom before sweeping for a pleasant aroma.
  • Vinegar Soak: Soak the bristles in a mixture of water and vinegar to disinfect and deodorize. Remember to rinse and dry thoroughly.

10. Conclusion

Your broom is more than just a cleaning tool; it’s a partner in maintaining a tidy space. By regularly cleaning and caring for your broom, you ensure its longevity and effectiveness. With simple steps and a little attention, you can keep your broom performing at its best.


Q1: How often should I clean my broom? Regular cleaning every 2-4 weeks is ideal, but adjust based on how frequently you use it.

Q2: Can I wash my broom in the washing machine? It’s not recommended, as the agitation could damage the bristles and the machine.

Q3: What’s the best way to remove pet hair from my broom? A rubber-bristle pet brush or a lint roller works wonders to remove pet hair from broom bristles.

Q4: Can I use bleach to disinfect my broom? Bleach can damage the bristles over time, so it’s best to stick to mild soap or vinegar solutions.

Q5: Are there broom-specific storage hooks? Yes, you can find broom hooks designed to keep your broom hanging properly and off the floor.

Maintaining a clean broom is essential for maintaining a clean home. By following these simple steps, you’ll have a trusty broom that’s always ready to help you sweep away the mess. So, give your broom the attention it deserves, and it will continue to be your cleaning ally for years to come.

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